How We Can Support You
We are a team of warm, dedicated and experienced professionals focused on understanding and listening to the needs of all individuals. We are registered NDIS Occupational Therapists servicing the Gympie, Sunshine Coast and Caboolture regions.
Functional Capacity AssessmentsA functional capacity assessment includes a face-to-face consultation with you and your supports combined with the development of a report that informs NDIS and your health care team how you are managing your day-to-day life. It considers your goals and abilities along with any challenges that need to be addressed in order for you to make progress towards achieving these goals.
Daily Living & Mental Health TherapyThe goal of daily living therapy supports is to help you improve your independence and enable participation in everyday activities. This includes areas such as communication, mobility, personal care, interpersonal interactions, mental health, emotional and behavioural regulation, executive function skills, planning and organising, sensory processing, play and social skills, and self-care. Occupational Therapy can help you develop both functional and emotional skills to enhance your participation, independence, and overall well-being. More information.
Equipment PrescriptionsAssistive technology can be equipment, aids or devices that can make your life easier, safer, or support you to achieve greater independence. Some equipment or items require an assessment to determine their suitability in line with your goal, needs and situation. Simply Engage OT can support you to find the most suitable equipment and conduct the necessary justification to help you with accessing it.
Supported Independent Living AssessmentsA Supported Independent Living (SIL) Assessment involves the OT providing a comprehensive assessment of your functional status and the support levels you require to live as independently and safely within your home with their everyday care needs been met.
Specialised Disability Accommodation AssessmentsSpecialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a type of housing or accommodation that can be fitted with specific modifications or assistive technologies that cater for an extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. SDA Assessment involves an extensive evaluation of your current and future needs and provides a recommendation to NDIS regarding your eligibility for specialist disability accommodation and the specific environmental features the participant requires for optimal independence and safety. This can include specific recommendations around wheelchair accessible homes, installation of ceiling hoists, use of automation technology or robust features to aid safety.
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End Of Plan Assessments
An End of Plan Report is an important document that includes the details of a functional capacity report with the addition of your progress (if applicable) to date and recommendations on future needs and supports. These are submitted to NDIS for consideration when they are renewing your NDIS plan.
Dietitian & Nutrition SupportOur sister company, Simply Nutrition Dietitians, can support you will all things nutrition. They are a team of highly experienced dietitians ready to support you with achieving your health-related goals. They have been servicing individuals and businesses for over 10+ years and are renowned for our industry-leading quality care and service delivery.
For more information, please visit the Simply Nutrition Website. |